Goa College of Architecture
Founded in 1982, the Goa College of Architecture stands as the sole institution in Goa offering a Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch) Course, recognized by the Council of Architecture and Indian Institute of Architects for its comprehensive professional training. Supported by the Government of Goa and affiliated with Goa University, the college has an intake capacity of 40 (+4) students annually, including provisions for students from states and Union Territories without architectural institutes.
Notably, since 2020, the college has expanded its academic offerings to include Master of Architecture programs in Urban Design and Sustainable Habitat. The B. Arch. and M. Arch. programs at the Goa College of Architecture aim to blend the enduring qualities of architectural design with the need to adapt to the present-day context of Goa in the 21st Century.
GCA is affliated to Directorate of Technical Education, Porvorim in regards to admissions, approval procedures and academic activities of the college.
Goa College of Architecture is governed by rules framed by Council of Architecture in regards to regulating education and academics.
The College is affiliated to Goa University and governed by its ordinances in regards to various academic processes like examination, syllabus etc.
Goa College of Architecture CONGRATULATES all the students of M. Arch in Sustainable Habitat and M.Arch in Urban Design who graduated during the Academic Years…
Goa College of Architecture CONGRATULATES both the students of B. Arch who graduated during the Academic Years 2021-22 and 2022-23 and were awarded at the…
Congratulations to Miss Evanthika Pereira, student at Goa College of Architecture for being elected as the ZONAL PRESIDENT OF ZONE 5, NASA INDIA at the…
Patriotic Run Organised by Veterans India in collaboration with AICTE and recognised by FIT India, Under Sports Authority of India(SAI).
Special Lectures/01- Poetic Pragmatism by Ar Amit Upadhye

Joint Studio Programme with SPA, New Delhi

Joint Studio Programme with CEPT, Ahmedabad

ARCH - EXPO 2018
Was held in March 2017, at the Art Gallery of Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa to show-case the projects undertaken by students of all the years under the guidance of the faculty members. This was inaugurated by the Shri.Sanjay Goel (IAS), Secretary Technical Education. In the presence of the Prof. Vivek Kamat, Director, Directorate of Technical Education, Porvorim.
Akriti - College Magazine
‘Akriti’ the Students’ Magazine edited by Ms. Anushka Coutinho was released during the Arch- Expo 2017 at Kala Academy in March at the hands of the Chief Guest Shri. Sanjay Goel, (IAS), Secretary Tech. Education,Government of Goa. Working Paper Series (Volume 6) 2016 of Goa College of Architecture, a Techincal Publication based on the dissertations in Architecture is under preparation and has reached the stage of printing.
Working Paper Series
A decade and half has passed since the first set of ‘Dissertations’ were written by students in Goa College of Architecture after carrying out extensive research on various facets of Architecture with a particular focus on Goa. Under the able direction of the guides and the faculty for the final year, the students were encouraged to generate the ‘Working Papers’ out of their dissertation research, which also summarises their broad findings.
National Anti-Ragging Helpline 24x7 Toll Free 1800-180-5522 helpline@antiragging.in | www.antiragging.in UGC Monitoring Agency Centre for Youth (C4Y) antiragging@c4yindia.org | www.c4yindia.org
Anti-Ragging Committee (ARC) | Prof. Leon Angelo Morenas | 9311551666 | principal@gcarch.edu.in |
Anti-Ragging Squad (ARS) | Ar. Carissa E.S George | 9730950077 | carissa.george@gcarch.edu.in |
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