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Teaching Faculties

Faculty of this college comprises of Permanent, contractual & visiting faculty. There are a total of 16 full-time faculties.

The College attracts a large body of expertise from the profession comprising of practicing Architects, Engineers and others on a visiting basis.

The Colllege also has instituted Charles Correa Chairs recently wherein 3 experts in the field of academics and Architecture Profession can be invited from all around the world.

The College attracts a large body of expertise from the profession including eminent practicing Architects, Engineers and others on a visiting basis; Manguesh Prabhugaunkar, Ketak Nachinolkar, Ashwini Kumar Prabhu, Dean D’Cruz, Ritu Prasad, Anuradha D’Costa, Kaushik, Abdul Samad, etc.


College has 16 Full-time faculty as follows:

Last Updated on: July 30, 2024